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Index > MenuetOS > discovery: menuet and fasmw

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Joined: 07 Oct 2003
Posts: 1045
Location: Michigan, USA
madmatt 08 Oct 2003, 10:20
Hello everyone! First post on this sight! I made a discovery that you can use fasm windows version 1.49 and make a menuet kernel object that works very good. First copy all the menuet code to an empty folder on your hard drive. Extract the kernel.zip file to a folder. Two changes in the code you will have to make are (a)(b) [see source codes below]. You will also have to delete the old menuet.mnt and change the menuet.com file that is produced to menuet.mnt. after this copy the menuet.mnt file to the floppy disk and reboot your computer. Everything should work good!
Now you can work with fasmw and develope a bit easier! Laughing

(a) First change (begins at line 4030)

sub edx,1
cmp edx,0
jnz .21d
jmp frnoreadd
mov esi,eax ;Name of file we want
mov ecx, 11
rep cmpsb ;Found the file?
je fifoundd ;Yes
add cl, 21 ;Offset to next directory entry
add edi, ecx ;Advance to next entry
jmp .20d

sub edx,1
cmp edx,0
jnz f.21d
jmp frnoreadd
mov esi,eax ;Name of file we want
mov ecx, 11
rep cmpsb ;Found the file?
je fifoundd ;Yes
add cl, 21 ;Offset to next directory entry
add edi, ecx ;Advance to next entry
jmp f.20d

(b) The second change (begins at line 4262)

sub edx,1
cmp edx,0
jnz .21ds
jmp frnoreadds
cmp [edi],byte 0xE5
jz fifoundds
cmp [edi],byte 0x0
jz fifoundds
add edi,32 ; Advance to next entry
jmp .20ds

sub edx,1
cmp edx,0
jnz f.21ds
jmp frnoreadds
cmp [edi],byte 0xE5
jz fifoundds
cmp [edi],byte 0x0
jz fifoundds
add edi,32 ; Advance to next entry
jmp f.20ds
Post 08 Oct 2003, 10:20
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