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Index > Compiler Internals > Any need of "sar", "bsf" or "bsr&qu

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Joined: 21 Aug 2004
Posts: 602
Location: Germany
MCD 29 Nov 2004, 18:58
Well, "sar" can be equated with
sar     equ /1 shl

"bsf" and "bsr" cannot be equated as easy as this, but they are
hardly used Confused or does anyone really need those operators into Fasm?

This is how to implement an "bsf", "bsr" and "sar" operator into Fasm.

;Changes to perform in "EXPRESSI.INC" follow.
;Search for the indicated commands.

;sar - operator:

;After "cmp     al,0C1h
;       je      calculate_shr"
   cmp     al,0C3h
     je      calculate_sar
;After "zero_value:"
     mov     edx,dword [edi+4]
   bt      edx,31
      jc      shr_negative
        mov     eax,[ebx+4]
 or      edx,edx
     jnz     sign_value
  mov     ecx,[edi]
   cmp     ecx,64
      jae     sign_value
  cmp     cl,32
       jae     sar_high
    mov     edx,[ebx]
   shrd    edx,eax,cl
  sar     eax,cl
      mov     [ebx],edx
   mov     [ebx+4],eax
 jmp     calculation_loop
 sub     cl,32
       sar     eax,cl
      mov     [ebx],eax
   mov     [ebx+4],edx
 jmp     calculation_loop
 mov     [ebx],edx
   mov     [ebx+4],edx
 jmp     calculation_loop

;bsf - operator:

;After "cmp     al,0D1h
;       je      calculate_neg"
     cmp     al,0D2h
     je      calculate_bsf
       cmp     al,0D3h
     je      calculate_bsr
;After "calculate_neg:"
  xor     edx,edx
     cmp     [edi+8],dx
  jne     invalid_expression
  cmp     [edi+12],dl
 je      bsf_ok
      cmp     [error_line],edx
    jne     bsf_ok
      mov     eax,[current_line]
  mov     [error_line],eax
    mov     [error],invalid_use_of_symbol
  bsf     eax,[edi]
   jnz     store_result_simple
 bsf     eax,[edi+4]
 add     al,32
     mov     [edi],eax
   mov     [edi+4],edx
 add     edi,14h
     jmp     calculation_loop
        xor     edx,edx
     cmp     [edi+8],dx
  jne     invalid_expression
  cmp     [edi+12],dl
 je      bsr_ok
      cmp     [error_line],edx
    jne     bsr_ok
      mov     eax,[current_line]
  mov     [error_line],eax
    mov     [error],invalid_use_of_symbol
  bsr     eax,[edi+4]
 lea     eax,[eax+32]
        jnz     store_result_simple
 bsr     eax,[edi]
   jmp     store_result_simple

;Changes to perform in "PARSER.INC" follow.
;Somewhere at the end of the file.

 db 1,'+',80h
 db 1,'-',81h
 db 1,'*',90h
 db 1,'/',91h
 db 3,'mod',0A0h
 db 3,'and',0B0h
 db 2,'or',0B1h
 db 3,'xor',0B2h
 db 3,'shl',0C0h
 db 3,'shr',0C1h
 db 0

 db 1,'+',0
 db 1,'-',0D1h
 db 3,'not',0D0h
 db 3,'rva',0E0h
 db 0

 db 1,'+',80h
 db 1,'-',81h
 db 1,'*',90h
 db 1,'/',91h
 db 3,'mod',0A0h
 db 3,'and',0B0h
 db 2,'or',0B1h
 db 3,'xor',0B2h
 db 3,'shl',0C0h
 db 3,'shr',0C1h
 db 3,'sar',0C3h
 db 0

 db 1,'+',0
 db 1,'-',0D1h
 db 3,'not',0D0h
 db 3,'bsf',0D2h
 db 3,'bsr',0D3h
 db 3,'rva',0E0h
 db 0

MCD - the inevitable return of the Mad Computer Doggy

.|| ||

Last edited by MCD on 05 Jan 2005, 19:10; edited 3 times in total
Post 29 Nov 2004, 18:58
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Joined: 21 Aug 2004
Posts: 602
Location: Germany
MCD 29 Nov 2004, 19:08
I have also thought about implementing "rol" and "ror", but the problem with them is, they are actually tertiary operators (take 3 operands):

The value to rotate, how much to rotate and rotate in which cyclic size (most commonly byte, word or dword wize).

The problem with this, is that Fasm has no tertiary operators in its syntax, and I've no idea how doing this? Privalov?

So, I got to sacrify 1 operand, say the cyclic rotate size. But then, you must specify the rotate size somewhere else, for example like this:


But this would require to implement 8 operators into Fasm and "rolb" does'nt really look good, and you won't be able to rotate, for example, eax by 5 in a cyclic size of 11bits and 11bits can't by done otherwize with the other power of 2 rotatings with reasonable afford.

Anyone an idea?
Post 29 Nov 2004, 19:08
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