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macomics 03 Jan 2025, 18:24
semiono wrote: BTW How click a ListBox item? semiono wrote: Not clickable? To search for button, you should use EnumChildWindows and check the additional parameters of the listed windows to distinguish the various form elements from each other. |
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semiono 04 Jan 2025, 00:48
This is a friend)
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Mat Quasar 04 Jan 2025, 08:51
I tried to use this piece of code, by referring to C++ code from StackOverflow ( https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1223872/programmatically-press-a-button-on-another-application-c-windows ):
It doesn't work either, the callback of EnumChildWindows not receiving control? Code: format PE GUI include 'win32a.inc' section '.code' code readable executable entry $ invoke FindWindow,0,_title mov [_window], eax or eax, eax jz .quit invoke MessageBox,0,_message2,_title,MB_OK ;'Calculator' window found invoke EnumChildWindows,[_window],EnumChildWindowsProc,0 cmp [_handle],0 jz .quit invoke MessageBox,0,_message,_title,MB_OK ;'3' button found invoke SendMessage,[_handle],BM_CLICK,0,0 ;invoke SendMessage,[_handle],WM_LBUTTONDOWN,0,0 .quit: invoke ExitProcess,0 proc EnumChildWindowsProc,hwnd,lparam push ebx esi edi invoke GetWindowText,[hwnd],_buffer,100 or eax,eax jz .fail invoke lstrcmp,_button,_buffer or eax,eax jnz .fail mov ebx, [hwnd] mov [_handle], ebx jmp .succeed .fail: mov eax, -1 .succeed: pop edi esi ebx ret endp section '.data' data readable writeable _title db 'Calculator',0 _class db 'CalcFrame',0 _button db '3',0 ;or '&3' _message db 'Button found!',0 _message2 db 'Looking for button...',0 _handle dd 0 _buffer rb 100 _window dd ? section '.idata' import data readable writable library kernel32,'KERNEL32.DLL',\ user32,'USER32.DLL',\ shell32, 'SHELL32.DLL' import kernel32,\ lstrcmp,'lstrcmpA',\ Sleep,'Sleep',\ Beep, 'Beep',\ ExitProcess,'ExitProcess' import user32,\ EnumChildWindows,'EnumChildWindows',\ FindWindowEx,'FindWindowExA',\ FindWindow, 'FindWindowA',\ MessageBox,'MessageBoxA',\ SendMessage,'SendMessageA',\ GetWindowText,'GetWindowTextA' import shell32, \ ShellExecute,'ShellExecuteA' Can someone help? |
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Core i7 04 Jan 2025, 09:48
Mat Quasar wrote: Can someone help? Previously, to support the window interface, Windows used WinForms technology, which was replaced in Win8 with the WPF framework, in Win10 with UWP, and finally in Win11 with WinUI. Thus, the entire system interface (including the calculator) is written on the corresponding frameworks, and EnumChildWindows() is designed only for the outdated WinForms - therefore, this function for system applications does not work on Win8+, but only on WinXP and Seven. |
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Mat Quasar 04 Jan 2025, 11:11
I see, thanks for the clarification, Core i7.
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Mat Quasar 04 Jan 2025, 11:21
Tested, my code worked on Windows XP only, not on Windows 10.
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AsmGuru62 04 Jan 2025, 13:22
It always was curious for me.
Basically, with SendMessage across processes, you can 'click' stuff in other programs. As usual, every technology advancement, well, almost every, can be abused, of course. So, you can click on programs in a mallicious kind of way (and that is why current Windows OS takes that away). But, you also can write a program to click and TEST other software, so a person who does testing is not as busy and can do other stuff. Currently, is there a way to TEST programs (just by remotely clicking) as it was in XP? Or, the testing by "clicking" quietly went away? Anyone knows? |
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Mat Quasar 04 Jan 2025, 13:47
Maybe SendInput Win32 API can?
https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/winuser/nf-winuser-sendinput There is an C++ example which I want to convert to FASM, but I don't know how to translate the INPUT structure. EDIT: Wait, I am doing it... |
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macomics 04 Jan 2025, 14:28
Code: ; typedef struct tagMOUSEINPUT { ; LONG dx; ; LONG dy; ; DWORD mouseData; ; DWORD dwFlags; ; DWORD time; ; ULONG_PTR dwExtraInfo; ; } MOUSEINPUT, *PMOUSEINPUT, *LPMOUSEINPUT; ; typedef struct tagKEYBDINPUT { ; WORD wVk; ; WORD wScan; ; DWORD dwFlags; ; DWORD time; ; ULONG_PTR dwExtraInfo; ; } KEYBDINPUT, *PKEYBDINPUT, *LPKEYBDINPUT; ; typedef struct tagHARDWAREINPUT { ; DWORD uMsg; ; WORD wParamL; ; WORD wParamH; ; } HARDWAREINPUT, *PHARDWAREINPUT, *LPHARDWAREINPUT; ; typedef struct tagINPUT { ; DWORD type; ; union { ; MOUSEINPUT mi; ; KEYBDINPUT ki; ; HARDWAREINPUT hi; ; } DUMMYUNIONNAME; ; } INPUT, *PINPUT, *LPINPUT; struc UNION base*, type& { if ~ type eq virtual at base . type if ~ definnite .Length label .Length at $ - $$ end if end virtual else label . at base label .Length at 0 end if } struc MOUSEINPUT32 { .dx dd ? .dy dd ? .mouseData dd ? .dwFlags dd ? .time dd ? .dwExtraInfo dd ? } struc MOUSEINPUT64 { .dx dd ? .dy dd ? .mouseData dd ? .dwFlags dd ? .time dd ?, ? .dwExtraInfo dq ? } struc KEYBOARDINPUT32 { .wVk dw ? .wScan dw ? .dwFlags dd ? .time dd ? .dwExtraInfo dd ? } struc KEYBOARDINPUT64 { .wVk dw ? .wScan dw ? .dwFlags dd ? .time dd ?, ? .dwExtraInfo dq ? } struc HARDWAREINPUT { .uMsg dd ? .wParamL dw ? .wParamH dw ? } struc INPUT32 { .type dd ? .mi MOUSEINPUT32 ; longest struc to create a buffer for the correct amount of data .ki UNION .mi, KEYBOARDINPUT32 ; These lines only create labels relative to .mi .hi UNION .mi, HARDWAREINPUT } struc INPUT64 { .type dd ? .mi MOUSEINPUT64 ; longest struc to create a buffer for the correct amount of data .ki UNION .mi, KEYBOARDINPUT64 ; These lines only create labels relative to .mi .hi UNION .mi, HARDWAREINPUT } Last edited by macomics on 04 Jan 2025, 14:32; edited 1 time in total |
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Mat Quasar 04 Jan 2025, 14:30
This works in even Windows 10.....
Code: format PE GUI include 'win32a.inc' INPUT_MOUSE = 0 INPUT_KEYBOARD = 1 INPUT_HARDWARE = 2 struct INPUT .type dd ? ;mouse=0, keyboard=1 .wVk dw ? dw ? .wScan dw ? dw ? .dwFlags dd ? .time dd ? .dwExtraInfo dq ? ends align 8 section '.code' code readable executable entry $ invoke FindWindow,0,_title or eax, eax jz .quit invoke SetForegroundWindow, eax invoke Sleep, 500 invoke SendInput, 2, _input, sizeof.INPUT or eax,eax jz .quit ;invoke MessageBox, 0, _message, _title, MB_OK .quit: invoke ExitProcess,0 section '.data' data readable writeable _title db 'Calculator',0 _message db 'Key "3" pressed',0 _input INPUT INPUT_KEYBOARD,'3',0,0,0,0 INPUT INPUT_KEYBOARD,'3',0,KEYEVENTF_KEYUP,0,0 align 8 section '.idata' import data readable writable library kernel32,'KERNEL32.DLL',\ user32,'USER32.DLL' import kernel32,\ Sleep,'Sleep',\ ExitProcess,'ExitProcess' import user32,\ MessageBox, 'MessageBoxA',\ FindWindow, 'FindWindowA',\ SendInput,'SendInput',\ SetForegroundWindow,'SetForegroundWindow' |
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Mat Quasar 04 Jan 2025, 14:32
Thank you , macomics. However, I have finished doing the program using a little tweaked structure.
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AsmGuru62 04 Jan 2025, 15:57
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semiono 04 Jan 2025, 17:32
Mat Quasar wrote: This works in even Windows 10..... This works in even Windows 8.1 ![]() _________________ Windows 9, FL Studio 19 |
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Mat Quasar 04 Jan 2025, 19:55
AsmGuru62 wrote: Awesome! semiono wrote:
Thank you. |
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bitRAKE 05 Jan 2025, 06:41
Universal Windows Platform (UWP) applications can be more involved, but we can use UI Automation to programatically interact with the Windows 11 calculator application in the following way ...
Code: virtual at rbp-.local .pAutomation IUIAutomation .pCalculator IUIAutomationElement .pCondition IUIAutomationCondition .pButton3 IUIAutomationElement .pInvoke IUIAutomationInvokePattern .var VARIANT .local := ($ - $$) and -16 end virtual enter .frame+.local, 0 CoInitialize NULL CoCreateInstance & CLSID_CUIAutomation, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER,\ & IID_IUIAutomation, & .pAutomation FindWindowA A 'ApplicationFrameWindow', A 'Calculator' xchg rdx, rax IUIAutomation__ElementFromHandle [.pAutomation], rdx, & .pCalculator cmp [.pCalculator], 0 jz .no_element SysAllocString W "num3Button" mov [.var.qVal], rax mov [.var.vt], VT_BSTR IUIAutomation__CreatePropertyCondition [.pAutomation], \ UIA_AutomationIdPropertyId, & .var, & .pCondition IUIAutomationElement__FindFirst [.pCalculator],\ TreeScope_Descendants, [.pCondition], & .pButton3 cmp [.pButton3], 0 jz .no_condition_element IUIAutomationElement__GetCurrentPattern [.pButton3],\ UIA_InvokePatternId, & .pInvoke cmp [.pInvoke], 0 jz .no_pattern IUIAutomationInvokePattern__Invoke [.pInvoke] IUIAutomationInvokePattern__Release [.pInvoke] .no_pattern: IUIAutomationElement__Release [.pButton3] .no_condition_element: IUIAutomationCondition__Release [.pCondition] IUIAutomationElement__Release [.pCalculator] SysFreeString [.var.qVal] ; VariantClear & .var ; also works .no_element: IUIAutomation__Release [.pAutomation] CoUninitialize |
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Mat Quasar 05 Jan 2025, 11:42
bitRAKE wrote: Use the inspect.exe tool, which comes with the Windows SDK, to explore automation support that applications have. Just found it in my Windows SDK folder, it displayed the "ApplicationFrameWindow" class name and "num3button" Automation Id of Calculator app. I am amazed by your fasm2/fasmg toolchain (which is linkable) in building sophisticated programs. Nice work! ADD: Your uiauto.exe is working for Calculator app in Windows 10.
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bitRAKE 05 Jan 2025, 14:51
Mat Quasar wrote: I am amazed by your fasm2/fasmg toolchain (which is linkable) in building sophisticated programs. I've been trying to implement much type checking - to reduce the frailty of the layers. It's a major refactoring that converts the IDL files from the SDK. In the long-term the complexity will prevent anyone from using the toolchain unless usage is more robust, imho. The COM interfaces support three different syntaxes - the above syntax is the middle verbosity, but the terse version is (C++ like, imho): Code: virtual at rbp-.local .pAutomation IUIAutomation .pCalculator IUIAutomationElement .pCondition IUIAutomationCondition .pButton3 IUIAutomationElement .pInvoke IUIAutomationInvokePattern .var VARIANT .local := ($ - $$) and -16 end virtual enter .frame+.local, 0 CoInitialize NULL CoCreateInstance & CLSID_CUIAutomation, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER,\ & IID_IUIAutomation, & .pAutomation FindWindowA A 'ApplicationFrameWindow', A 'Calculator' xchg rdx, rax .pAutomation->ElementFromHandle rdx, & .pCalculator cmp [.pCalculator], 0 jz .no_element SysAllocString W "num3Button" mov [.var.qVal], rax mov [.var.vt], VT_BSTR .pAutomation->CreatePropertyCondition UIA_AutomationIdPropertyId, & .var, & .pCondition .pCalculator->FindFirst TreeScope_Descendants, [.pCondition], & .pButton3 cmp [.pButton3], 0 jz .no_condition_element .pButton3->GetCurrentPattern UIA_InvokePatternId, & .pInvoke cmp [.pInvoke], 0 jz .no_pattern .pInvoke->Invoke .pInvoke->Release .no_pattern: .pButton3->Release .no_condition_element: .pCondition->Release .pCalculator->Release SysFreeString [.var.qVal] ; VariantClear & .var ; also works .no_element: .pAutomation->Release CoUninitialize Code: mov rcx, [.irich] mov rax, [rcx] call [rax + IUnknown__Release] |
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semiono 07 Jan 2025, 23:31
Please, an example with ListBox the same)
Focus, scroll and click item. This close all tasks in practice reason) ![]() |
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bitRAKE 08 Jan 2025, 15:59
The pseudo-code would look something like ...
Code: ; Find list box ; (Assume .pListBox is your IUIAutomationElement pointer) ; 1) Focus: .pListBox->SetFocus ; 2) Scroll: .pListBox->GetCurrentPattern UIA_ScrollPatternId, &.pScroll cmp [.pScroll], 0 jz .no_scroll_pattern .pScroll->Scroll ScrollAmount_LargeIncrement, ScrollAmount_NoAmount .pScroll->Release .no_scroll_pattern: ; 3) Find and select list item: SysAllocString W "MyListItem" ; Or find by other property mov [.var.qVal], rax mov [.var.vt], VT_BSTR .pAutomation->CreatePropertyCondition UIA_NamePropertyId, &.var, &.pCondition .pListBox->FindFirst TreeScope_Children, [.pCondition], &.pListItemElement cmp [.pListItemElement], 0 jz .no_item .pListItemElement->GetCurrentPattern UIA_SelectionItemPatternId, &.pSelItem cmp [.pSelItem], 0 jz .no_selection_pattern .pSelItem->Select .pSelItem->Release .no_selection_pattern: .pListItemElement->Release .no_item: .pCondition->Release SysFreeString [.var.qVal] ; Cleanup .pListBox->Release UI Automation is designed to make most applications accessible. |
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