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Joined: 21 Jul 2003
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bitRAKE 10 Feb 2022, 17:14
Another idea: POSTPONE should allow named groups - which can be selectively evaluated.
postpone strings
        MyMessage.caption db "Caption",0
        MyMessage.message db "Message",0
end postpone

        invoke MessageBox,0,\
                ADDR .message,\
                ADDR .caption,\
                MB_OK or MB_ICONSTOP
        posit wstrings,strings ; if a name is unused it is ignored    
POSIT is proposed as the operator to evaluate named POSTPONE groups some alternatives:
    propound - uncommon
    present - too many meanings

I've explored several other methods to realize this grouping. Yet, named POSTPONE groups just seems more intuitive to me: get nails at the hardware store, John should know about this, Amy speaks French. Labeled grouping of information in this way is something we do on a daily basis.

For example, macro stack is one alternative:
macro strings
end macro
macro strings
        MyMessage.caption db "Caption",0
        MyMessage.message db "Message",0
end macro    
Another method is symbol value stacking.

There are just a lot of uses which benefit - similar to how VIRTUAL functionality is so powerful - POSTPONE could also have greater utility. There are decisions to make about multiple evaluations of the same group. Should the group naming exist in a different symbolic space - just for code fragments?

Time to look into implementing ...
Post 10 Feb 2022, 17:14
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Tomasz Grysztar

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Tomasz Grysztar 10 Feb 2022, 17:43
Isn't it just another variation on the "globals" concept, like the IncludeIGlobals/IncludeUGlobals from Fresh project? And these macros were for fasm 1 already. Although with fasmg it is possible to make it more capable, with forward referencing possibility.

I have also mentioned the macro stacking solution in the "How can multiple sections of file be generated in parallel?" section of supplementary documentation, but I have not given any examples there, perhaps I should. But this is something that is likely even better done with CALM.
Post 10 Feb 2022, 17:43
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bitRAKE 10 Feb 2022, 19:00
Ah, do you mean this example:
                include '8086.inc'
                org     100h
                jmp     CodeSection


                end virtual

                        virtual Data
                                load Data.OctetString : $ - $$ from $$
                        end virtual
                end postpone

                db Data.OctetString


                virtual Data
                        Hello db "Hello!",24h
                end virtual

                mov     ah,9
                mov     dx,Hello
                int     21h

                virtual Data
                        ExitCode db 37h
                end virtual

                mov     ah,4Ch
                mov     al,[ExitCode]
                int     21h    
... postpone groups do not seem to add any additional functionality at the data level. I'll need to think about if forward referencing solves all the deferred evaluation problems for things like relocation and exception data as well. Presently cannot think of a scenario that would be problematic.

Making things more difficult than they need to be perhaps.

¯\(°_o)/¯ “languages are not safe - uses can be” Bjarne Stroustrup
Post 10 Feb 2022, 19:00
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Tomasz Grysztar

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Tomasz Grysztar 10 Feb 2022, 20:10
bitRAKE wrote:
Ah, do you mean this example
I meant the missing example, alternative solution through stacked macros or a list of macros, which is only mentioned as a possibility in the later paragraph.

With CALM, it could be something like:
define collections

macro? collect? name*
        calminstruction name
                local   tmp
                take    tmp, collections.name
                jyes    reverse
                take    collections.name, tmp
                jno     done
                assemble collections.name
                jump    execute
        end calminstruction
        calminstruction ?! line&
                match   =end? =collect?, line
                jyes    close
                take    collections.name, line
                arrange line, =purge ?
                assemble line
        end calminstruction
end macro    
collect strings
        caption db "Caption",0
end collect

collect strings
        message db "Message",0
end collect


And here's a variant that allows to put "strings" block before the collected parts are defined:
define collections

macro? collect? name*
        if ~ defined collections..name
                restore collections..name
                define collections..name
                calminstruction collections..name
                        local   tmp
                        take    tmp, collections.name
                        jyes    reverse
                        take    collections.name, tmp
                        jno     done
                        assemble collections.name
                        jump    execute
                end calminstruction
                define collections.name macro name:
                        define collections.name end macro
                end postpone
        end if
        calminstruction ?! line&
                match   =end? =collect?, line
                jyes    close
                take    collections.name, line
                arrange line, =purge ?
                assemble line
        end calminstruction
end macro    
And, of course, the macro stacking method that you mentioned:
define collections

macro collect?! name*
        local new
        if defined collections.name
                macro name
                end macro
                collections.name = 0
                macro name
                end macro
        end if
        collections.name = collections.name + 1
        esc macro new
end macro

macro end?.collect?!
        esc end macro
end macro    
This may be the one to include as an example in the docs, as it is the simplest one and does not need CALM. And this one also can be made "asynchronous", allowing to put the result before the definitions:
define collections

macro collect?! name*
        local new, previous
        match :s:, collections.name
                macro previous!
                end macro
                macro previous!
                end macro
                        match :s:, collections.name
                                macro name
                                end macro
                        end match
                end postpone
        end match
        restore collections.name
        define collections.name :new:
        esc macro new
end macro

macro end?.collect?!
        esc end macro
end macro    
Post 10 Feb 2022, 20:10
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bitRAKE 25 Mar 2022, 21:40
These techniques work beautifully in:
macro lea? line&
        match any=,=<values=>,line
                local name
                collect _CONST_
                        label name
                end collect
                lea any,[name]
                lea line
        end match
end macro
macro _T line&
        TCHAR line,0
end macro    
I can use syntax like:
lea rax,<_T "bitRAKE">    
... but I get some strange errors without the space between _T and the quote/apostrophe character. Not a show stopper - just curious why fasmg would come back with:
ex1.asm [60]:
        lea rax,<_T'bitRAKE'>
macro lea? [9]:
        lea line
Processed: lea rax,<_T'bitRAKE'>
Error: missing closing chevron.    
... clearly the chevon is there. It's like the quote is not separated from the _T and the quotation begins later?

¯\(°_o)/¯ “languages are not safe - uses can be” Bjarne Stroustrup
Post 25 Mar 2022, 21:40
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Tomasz Grysztar

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Tomasz Grysztar 26 Mar 2022, 11:13
bitRAKE wrote:
I can use syntax like:
lea rax,<_T "bitRAKE">    
This is quite similar to what my GLOBSTR package intended to do, you could also combine it with inline macros. I've been just recently thinking that I should include something like that as an example in the repository:
include 'win64ax.inc'
include 'globstr_reuse.inc' ; the second version from the "Global strings" thread
include 'inline.inc'

macro fastcall?.inline_string var
        local data
        match value, var
                data GLOBSTR value,0
        end match
        redefine var data
end macro

inlinemacro GLOB(value)
        local data
        data GLOBSTR value,0
        return equ data
end inlinemacro



        invoke  MessageBox,HWND_DESKTOP,'First!',"Demo",MB_OK

        lea     rdx,[GLOB("Second!")]
        invoke  MessageBox,HWND_DESKTOP,rdx,"Demo",MB_OK

        invoke  ExitProcess,0



.end start    

bitRAKE wrote:
but I get some strange errors without the space between _T and the quote/apostrophe character. Not a show stopper - just curious why fasmg would come back with:
ex1.asm [60]:
        lea rax,<_T'bitRAKE'>
macro lea? [9]:
        lea line
Processed: lea rax,<_T'bitRAKE'>
Error: missing closing chevron.    
... clearly the chevon is there. It's like the quote is not separated from the _T and the quotation begins later?
There should be no error there, since either _T'bitRAKE' or _T"bitRAKE" are valid names (for all fasm versions). You probably found some kind of a bug, but I'm not able to reproduce it, I may be missing some context that makes it show up.
Post 26 Mar 2022, 11:13
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bitRAKE 27 Mar 2022, 08:09
It's not an error in fasmg. I forgot that _T"test": is a valid label name. So, I need the space to split them. I was happy when it didn't prune the <> and I was able to detect that syntax.

¯\(°_o)/¯ “languages are not safe - uses can be” Bjarne Stroustrup
Post 27 Mar 2022, 08:09
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bitRAKE 29 Mar 2022, 10:37
Originally, I tried:
struc TD_BUTTONS line&
        local name
        collect _CONST_
        iterate <quoted,id>,line
                align sizeof.TCHAR
                label name.%
                TCHAR quoted,0
                if % = %%
                        . equ name
                        align 4
                        label name:%%
                        repeat %%
                                indx %
                                dd id
                                dq name.%
                        end repeat
                end if
        end iterate
        end collect
end struc    
... fasmg errors:
_CONST_ [10] macro TCHAR [1] du? [14] macro WCHAR [2]:
        if arg eqtype ''
Processed: if quoted eqtype ''
Error: symbol 'quoted' is undefined or out of scope.    
.. I was able to create a working version using collect. It's like the ITERATE doesn't have all the code to update symbols. And seems, as long as each line can operate in isolation collect works.
Post 29 Mar 2022, 10:37
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Tomasz Grysztar

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Tomasz Grysztar 29 Mar 2022, 11:28
bitRAKE wrote:
It's like the ITERATE doesn't have all the code to update symbols.
The ASSEMBLE command does not do parameter preprocesing (because CALM is kind of a replacement for the standard preprocessor), that's what causes the problem here. A workaround could be to put all these lines into a single-use macro and then call that macro to provide standard preprocessing that is missing.

Another workaround: use conditional interceptor instead of unconditional one ("?" instead of "?!"). This way things like IF or ITERATE would be evaluated before collecting. This would require modifications of how "end collect" is detected:
define collections

macro collect? name*
        calminstruction name
                local   tmp
                take    tmp, collections.name
                jyes    reverse
                take    collections.name, tmp
                jno     done
                assemble collections.name
                jump    execute
        end calminstruction
        calminstruction ? line&
                match   /=collect?, line
                jyes    close
                take    collections.name, line
                arrange line, =purge ?
                assemble line
        end calminstruction
end macro

macro end?.collect?!
end macro    
Post 29 Mar 2022, 11:28
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bitRAKE 29 Mar 2022, 15:32
The single use macro seems very flexible:
struc TD_BUTTONS line&
        local name
        struc name.struc
        iterate <quoted,id>,line
                align sizeof.TCHAR
                label name.%
                TCHAR quoted,0
                if % = %%
                        . equ name
                        align 4
                        label name:%%
                        repeat %%
                                indx %
                                dd id
                                dq name.%
                        end repeat
                end if
        end iterate
        end struc
        collect _CONST_
                . name.struc
        end collect
end struc    
I did try the conditional collector, but fasmg's reply was:
_CONST_ [10]
Processed: indx 1
Error: unexpected instruction.    
I'm still going to use it with the single use macro as that is probably closer to what I am expecting, for now.

¯\(°_o)/¯ “languages are not safe - uses can be” Bjarne Stroustrup
Post 29 Mar 2022, 15:32
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