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Joined: 25 Aug 2003
Posts: 33
keenin 25 Aug 2003, 17:49
Because nobody answers at Win32Asm, I post the thread to this forum (here, the people are more active and wise Smile ).


And the text (just if you don't want to follow that link Wink :

I just began to program with FASM and encountered that the inc-files of FASM does not declare the DEVMODE struct and switches of wingdi.h (which I need to change the screen resolution).
Has anyone already done this or do I have overlooked it?

Post 25 Aug 2003, 17:49
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scientica 25 Aug 2003, 19:10
I have come across this struc when doing some OpenGL (it was some time - but I found the extra includes -- don't know if I ever posted it (but i think so because the union isn't "fixed" -- I'll see if I can find the fixed version in my archives), so I post it now - it's filled with not just DEVMODE stuff but some more, but feel free to sort out the relevant data Smile)

        .dmDeviceName           rb 32   ;BYTE   CCHDEVICENAME dup(?)
        .dmSpecVersion          dw ?
        .dmDriverVersion        dw ?
        .dmSize                 dw ?
        .dmDriverExtra          dw ?
        .dmFields               dd ?
        ;  ;struct
                .dmOrientation  dw ?
                .dmPaperSize    dw ?
                .dmPaperLength  dw ?
                .dmPaperWidth   dw ?
        ;  ;ends
        ;       .dmPosition equ .dmOrientation  ;POINTL <>
        .dmScale                dw ?
        .dmCopies               dw ?
        .dmDefaultSource        dw ?
        .dmPrintQuality         dw ?
        .dmColor                dw ?
        .dmDuplex               dw ?
        .dmYResolution          dw ?
        .dmTTOption             dw ?
        .dmCollate              dw ?
        .dmFormName             rb 32 ;BYTE CCHFORMNAME dup (?)
        .dmLogPixels            dw ?
        .dmBitsPerPel           dd ?
        .dmPelsWidth            dd ?
        .dmPelsHeight           dd ?
        .dmDisplayFlags         dd ?
        .dmDisplayFrequency     dd ?
        .dmICMMethod            dd ?
        .dmICMIntent            dd ?
        .dmMediaType            dd ?
        .dmDitherType           dd ?
        .dmReserved1            dd ?
        .dmReserved2            dd ?
struct DEVMODE  

Description: Extra Includes For OpenGL applications -- wingdi.h defs.

Filename: Ext.inc
Filesize: 8.94 KB
Downloaded: 874 Time(s)

... a professor saying: "use this proprietary software to learn computer science" is the same as English professor handing you a copy of Shakespeare and saying: "use this book to learn Shakespeare without opening the book itself.
- Bradley Kuhn
Post 25 Aug 2003, 19:10
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Joined: 25 Aug 2003
Posts: 33
keenin 25 Aug 2003, 20:29
Thanks a lot, it helps me very much (and hopefully other people that need these declarations).

A fixed version will be very welcome, too. Very Happy

Post 25 Aug 2003, 20:29
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Location: Linköping, Sweden
scientica 25 Aug 2003, 20:52
Sorry, can't find the "fixed" version, It's probably somewhere on my backups - at times like these I wish I'd catalogized them Rolling Eyes

But I found the "union" thing (I thought I'd asked if I did the union right - and I did ask it in the v1.44 thread, and privalov corrected me Smile)
        .dmDeviceName           rb 32   ;BYTE   CCHDEVICENAME dup(?)
        .dmSpecVersion          dw ?
        .dmDriverVersion        dw ?
        .dmSize                 dw ?
        .dmDriverExtra          dw ?
        .dmFields               dd ?
        ;  ;struct
                .dmOrientation  dw ?
                .dmPaperSize    dw ?
                .dmPaperLength  dw ?
                .dmPaperWidth   dw ?
        ;  ;ends
        virtual at .dmOrientation
          .dmPosition dw ?
        end virtual
        .dmScale                dw ?
        .dmCopies               dw ?
        .dmDefaultSource        dw ?
        .dmPrintQuality         dw ?
        .dmColor                dw ?
        .dmDuplex               dw ?
        .dmYResolution          dw ?
        .dmTTOption             dw ?
        .dmCollate              dw ?
        .dmFormName             rb 32 ;BYTE CCHFORMNAME dup (?)
        .dmLogPixels            dw ?
        .dmBitsPerPel           dd ?
        .dmPelsWidth            dd ?
        .dmPelsHeight           dd ?
        .dmDisplayFlags         dd ?
        .dmDisplayFrequency     dd ?
        .dmICMMethod            dd ?
        .dmICMIntent            dd ?
        .dmMediaType            dd ?
        .dmDitherType           dd ?
        .dmReserved1            dd ?
        .dmReserved2            dd ?
struct DEVMODE  

btw, there are some union macros in one of the forums, don't use it any more (haven't needed to). I wonder if the union can utilize "fix".

... a professor saying: "use this proprietary software to learn computer science" is the same as English professor handing you a copy of Shakespeare and saying: "use this book to learn Shakespeare without opening the book itself.
- Bradley Kuhn
Post 25 Aug 2003, 20:52
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