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Joined: 17 Jan 2012
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uart777 28 Jun 2013, 01:05
An example OS for RPI, 4 bare-metal examples.

Introducing... Star-OS, the new ARM OS for FASM programmers. Mostly visual and not functional. No USB input yet.

Download: http://sungod777.zxq.net/z77_rpi.zip



In order to get FASM/ARM on embedded systems, we will need the following:

* Memory manager. Easy to create a simple one. First, get it working, then optimize
* File system. Medium
* Terminal. Easy
* X86 to ARM converter. Medium
* USB driver/stack. Unknown difficulty. In the RPI bare-metal forum, I asked how to write a USB driver. No one seems to know. Everyone says: "It's impossible, you'll never learn, it will take forever"... Nonsense! They're just repeating what they heard or read somewhere, not what they know from experience.

Utilities like disassembler and hex editor would be nice, but are not the highest priority.

As with all of my contributions, I'm offering this FREE to everyone like a Linux distribution ("Revised BSD" license) and I do not care about credit. Let this become a community project.

Thanks for viewing! Smile
Post 28 Jun 2013, 01:05
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revolution 28 Jun 2013, 01:24
To get fasmarm running on ARM you could probably run fasmarm in a VM under Linux for ARM. It might not the be most elegant solution but would likely be the fastest and simplest way to get something running as a temporary solution until better tools are ready for use.
Post 28 Jun 2013, 01:24
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sleepsleep 28 Jun 2013, 09:32
beautiful =)
this might be useful for us who want to try rasberry pi,

VirtualBox simulator and emulator - now with added Cow
Post 28 Jun 2013, 09:32
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Madis731 28 Jun 2013, 09:37
USB: I've read through this book to do just that - understand USB drivers.
Its really time-consuming to read through all documentation on www.usb.org, because its scattered over tens (if not even hundreds) of documents. This book brought it all together for me and now at least I can find my way around these tens of manuals if I need more details.

Impossible? Thats not quite true. Windows and Linux have USB drivers Smile Even MenuetOS has increased support starting from May 2008.
Post 28 Jun 2013, 09:37
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neville 29 Jun 2013, 02:43
Madis731 wrote:
USB: I've read through this book to do just that - understand USB drivers.
Its really time-consuming to read through all documentation on www.usb.org, because its scattered over tens (if not even hundreds) of documents. This book brought it all together for me and now at least I can find my way around these tens of manuals if I need more details.

Impossible? Thats not quite true. Windows and Linux have USB drivers Smile Even MenuetOS has increased support starting from May 2008.
Yes, hundreds of documents would not be an exaggeration. Nor would thousands of pages! I implemented a USB1.1 Host Controller/Driver in FAMOS starting in late 2006, finished early 2008 with device drivers for mass storage (pendrives etc.) and USB audio. Even then some stuff I still had to discover by tedious trial and error methods, because either it wasn't in the docs at all, or it was wrong or poorly explained Mad I shared some of my stuff with Ben Lunt iirc, so I wouldn't be surprised if some of it is in his book Wink I haven't seen it yet. I started on USB2.0 but lost motivation, I can't think why Surprised
Heck, now we've got USB3.0 ... Shocked

FAMOS - the first memory operating system
Post 29 Jun 2013, 02:43
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uart777 01 Jul 2013, 06:32
Madis: That book seems perfect, exactly what I'm looking for, but it's expensive and will take a while for me to get ($40 is more than I paid for the RPI+case! And it's just a programming toy, not a necessity like food and water).

In the meantime, I've been studying the tutorial: USB in a Nutshell and have written some structures based on this information (INCLUDE\USB.INC).

Neville: Good work on FAMOS Smile We have similar ideas. I hope this provides the inspiration needed to revive your project.
Post 01 Jul 2013, 06:32
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arcangel 28 Dec 2013, 19:37
Star-OS is very, very interesting... Smile It is impresionant Shocked

I have downloaded http://sourceforge.net/projects/rpiqemuwindows/ and I have sustituided a kernel and the files in the directory SD but this doesn´t work

Could you help me, please? Embarassed
Post 28 Dec 2013, 19:37
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