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Joined: 07 Mar 2008
Posts: 2
KeSqueer 07 Mar 2008, 20:51
I'm beginning with fasm macro syntax. So, I tried to write my own macro .for (c 'for' simple implementation) and got this:
macro JCOND label,v1,c,v2
 match any,c
   cmp v1,v2
   j\#c label
 match ,c
   PARSECOND parsed@cond,v1
   match cond,parsed@cond \\{ JCONDEXPR label,cond \\}

macro   .for [args]
  local ..for
  local ..endfor
  local ..continue
  __FOR equ ..for
  __ENDFOR equ ..endfor
  __CONTINUE equ ..continue

  macro for_expr [argsa]
   cont = 1
   if cont
    match arg=+==val, argsa \\{
    add arg, val
    cont = 0\\}
   end if
   if cont
    match arg=-==val, argsa \\{
    sub arg, val
    cont = 0\\}
   end if
   if cont
    match arg=--, argsa \\{
    dec arg
    cont = 0\\}
   end if
   if cont
    match arg=++, argsa \\{
    inc arg
    cont = 0\\}
   end if
   if cont
    match arg=<<val, argsa \\{
    shl arg, val
    cont = 0\\}
   end if
   if cont
    match arg=>>val, argsa \\{
    shr arg, val
    cont = 0\\}
   end if
   if cont
    match arg=|==val, argsa \\{
    or arg, val
    cont = 0\\}
   end if
   if cont
    match arg=&==val, argsa \\{
    and arg, val
    cont = 0\\}
   end if
   if cont
    match arg=^==val, argsa \\{
    xor arg, val
    cont = 0\\}
   end if
   if cont
    match arg==val, argsa \\{
    mov arg, val
    cont = 0\\}
   end if

define current args

  match =(a=:b=:c=), current
    for_expr a

  macro .break
    jmp __ENDFOR

  macro .continue
    jmp __CONTINUE

  macro .endf
    match =(a=:b=:c=), current
      for_expr c
      JCOND __FOR, b
      restore __FOR
      restore __ENDFOR
      restore __CONTINUE
      restore current

It can be used in following format:
.for (statement1, statement2,... : conditions : statement3, statement4...)
; Some code may be placed here. Nested loops are allowed.

.for (eax=0, ebx=[base], edx=[ordword]: eax < 10: [ebx+eax*4] |= edx, eax++)
; some code may be placed here

I've not included such operators as *,/ etc because it is not a trivial task, but operators --,++, <<,>> are included.

So, what do you think about this macro? I'll conside any comments.

Excuse me for my English, I'm just learning it Wink
Post 07 Mar 2008, 20:51
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Location: Out the window. Yes, that one.
AlexP 11 Mar 2008, 16:44
Very nice, I'm just trying to learn FASM macros too. After my current project I'll probably take some time off to learn the more high-level parts of FASM, hopefully the designer(s) will keep adding more features to it's syntax!

The only downside I see of having much more high-level things is it appears (as I saw in other threads) that people are becoming split in their programming styles. Some using almost all high-level features, and others being so low-level purists that it takes me several minutes to figure out what they're trying to do!

PS: I tried using this:

struct Food_
  start = $
  ... some other stuff
  end = $

; declare the structure, and later:
mov eax,Food.end-Food.start
; which returned 0!

Do u know what happened? Just a small thing I remembered, thought you would be the person to inquire.
Post 11 Mar 2008, 16:44
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Joined: 19 Mar 2008
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baldr 19 Sep 2008, 23:08

"This is by design". Wink

struct macro redefines db, dw, etc. (even itself - for nested substructs) so they don't define/reserve bytes. Instead they collect information about struct's structure Wink in symbolic constant fields@struct. After that – only virtual at 0.

It's the ends macro that actually defines/reserves bytes. No wonder that end == start (after preprocessing ... some other stuff is empty).

By the way, isn't sizeof.Food working?
Post 19 Sep 2008, 23:08
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